Donnerstag, 21. April 2016

Day 2

Well, we expected first hard days on the route, but the very first day nearly knocked us out. 86 farenheit, heavy traffic, mountainous roads and a fully packed bike. And we couldn't find our campground for the night. We asked a lot of people but no one could help us. So we decided to put our tent in the woods next to a lonely street. The next day everything was better. We had a lot of sun, but it was not too hot, the roads were getting smaller and we had not that much traffic like the day before. So when we reached Fredericksburg we searched for the campground we saw on the map, but actually this campgound never existed. So we asked some people again and this is how we met Bob and Kathy. They invited us to sleep in their backyard, invited us for dinner and we even had bacon and eggs for breakfast! This couple saved our day! So Bob and Kathy, if you read this: thank you so much again!

Now we are trying to get to Charlottesville, but now it is almost 12 and we didn't even start cause we had to stop at a bike shop. Marian had problems changing gears, we guess everything needed an adjustment after the long flight for the bike.

So here we go again!

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